Tuesday 25 March 2014

Mädle, toothbrush, Sichuan prawns, Get Welinder & Yautcha - week 2 continued!

Tuesday 18th March

Song of the day...Missing You - John Waite. Interesting choice from the Homer music factory but nevertheless a long lost 80s ballard. By the way, please feel free to send me song of the day ideas, all genres welcome!

Going into work this afternoon was much calmer as everyone had had the update, so I could try and focus on some work. Where to start was the question! Thankfully I had monitored emails even during chemo week, so this was in check. So as with most things in my life...I made a list. Gotta love a list! ; ) Feeling good, I stayed at work until 6pm...slowly getting back to normal.

That evening the legendary Leonie Cormack-Cook came over for dinner. We've grown up together and been there for each other through many different phases of life...from drunken teenage parties (details not to be given!), writing a column together at school (we didn't achieve any literary acclaim by talking about the relative benefits of various colours of fruit pastilles), 2 German exchanges (bwoarrr), staying close through university years, Sammy being born, Leonie's brief career as an Ann Summers rep, us both getting married (sadly not to each other ; ) !), Arthur being born...I could go on. I love you Wonechen and look forward to us growing older and recalling many of these tales together.

I may regret putting this next photo up but heck I've got nothing to lose!!! During 6th form, Winona Ryder sported an elf cut that unfortunately Leonie and I succumbed to by a hot hairdresser selling it to us....we should never ever have done it! To this day there are only two people who thought this looked any me, my grandmother and Eoin Harty. I guess this haircut may make a reappearance in a few months time on me but hopefully there will be better products available to pull it off!!!

Photo no.52 - Wickchen & Wonechen the early years....

Photo no.53 - Wickchen & Wonechen now - selfie style!

Wednesday 19th March

You gotta be - Desiree  - great for bopping to in the shower!!! That's right I used the word bopping...god shoot me now!

Not much to post for today, aside from the fact that I was still relishing that I had my mind back. There was a sample sale at work, which provided many goodies to help with some of the chemo side effects...not to be too graphic but laxatives, cystopurin, moisturing shower gels and face creams, cranberry juice and a pill box (you know the once which you put a week's worth in by the day am and pm!). I also felt like I was starting to get back into the swing of work.

One of the side effect that decided to rear it's head this week was a couple of mouth ulcers, annoying for any of us. So time for a toothbrush change...I've been using a Sensodyne soft brush for ages so there was only one place to go...the kids section! It has to be said I was disappointed with the options available but after lengthy consideration (!), I settled on this gem and very pleased with it I am!

Photo no.54 - is it a recorder, nope it's my new toothbrush!

Thursday 20th March

VW choice: You've got the love - Florence and the machine or equally good if not better Candi Staton's version....I love both but for real sing along I'll go for Flo but if you want to strut your stuff then Candi is your lady!

I'll let you in on a little secret...I hate the 20th of each month. Often it's a day when I feel things go wrong....this 20th however was pretty good!

Another afternoon done at work, good job! ; )

Dinner that night was Sichuan prawns, a great fast weeknight dinner! Also, a good one to pull out of the bag for dinners with friends if you're time pressured.

Photo no.55 - Sichuan prawns - Ken Hom style

Yep, that's right a glass of white wine as well. This was my second attempt at drinking white wine. Red wine tasted good, beer tasted good...but white wine...no you and I are still not tastebud friends. I was considering trying to persevere with it, you know when you 'train' yourself to like olives but in reality I can go back to this wine once my tastebuds are restored. I'll see you white wine in 16 weeks!

Friday 21st March

VW choice: Janet & Micheal Jackson - Scream. Really you need the video as well but the sentiment is there.

A trip to the physio this morning to see how the cording in my arm was doing. Frustratingly, it hadn't made much improvement from last week, Diana made me feel the cording (ergh....like guitar strings in your arm) so that I could start massaging it to try and release it...nice! More attention needed on this area. 

Then off to work...10.30 start, early doors! ; )) I stayed at work until 5pm, not bad going.

Arriving home there was an envelope from South Korea on my doormat. Initially I thought it might be for my neighbour, as she's from there but on a second look, it was for me! It was an incredible surprise from Mr Alex Busby, a handmade card...'Get Welinder'. Buzz, this was a wonderful welcome home that day, thank you so much and a trip to you is on the cards!

Photo no.56 - Get Welinder!

That evening Kim came over for dinner. Squid, potatoes and chilli were on offer that evening from V's kitchen, recipe from Hugh's Three Good Things. It's a simple dinner to make but one that everyone enjoys. Kim brought over some amazing desserts, see pics below! Thanks lovely!x

Quote of the day was Kim reminding us of Mary Poppin's wise words...'In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun!'. One to hold onto.

Overall a good Friday and a great start to the weekend!

Photo no.57 - Beautiful boxes, courtesy of the brilliant Kim...what's inside?

Photo no.58 - Oh yeah! Michellin starred desserts at home.

Photo no.59 - Happy Friday people...let's get cracking on the dessert!

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