Thursday 6 March 2014

Love is in the air - Deutsch style!

Friday 14th February
Something I've been meaning to capture is how other people's reactions to my news made me feel. The best analogy I've come up with is planning a wedding. At the centre of it is the betrothed couple with everyone wishing them well. But.....everyone also has an opinion and you soon start to realise it's often about what other people want..your parents will have a view, so will your partner's, friends will make certain requests and there will be the odd dietary requirements thrown into the that what started out as being about the two of you often ends up being pulled in many various directions. 

Anyway, back to the story so to speak. The previous weekend I had been in touch the lovely Laura trying to fix a date to meet up ahead of mini Deutsch no.2's arrival. We settled on Valentine's day in that neither of us thought we'd be whisked away to Paris and that the love between Daniel and Ally is so strong that it felt appropriate! So Valentine's evening in West Norwood it was! As always the evening was filled with music (the classics rolled out...Abba/ Tina) and laughter. No Tina Turner dance this evening explain, Ally has taught both Daniel and I not one but two life skills....the After Eight challenge and also if you tightly wrap a pillow case around your thighs you can strut like Tina. I have video footage of Daniel doing this and it remains one the funniest things I've ever seen. A good evening to put your troubles behind you.

(D - Olive you!xxx)

Saturday 15th February
I had certainly made a new friend in Abigail Deutsch the previous evening, as I was greeted with her warm smile this morning, lovely way to start the day!

From this day on, I decided to start taking a photo of myself to form the basis of this blog.  So here is photo no.1 - Daniel discovered Chez Stephan in Putney while we were still living there. It's a fantastic place to get your hair cut, listen to jazz and learn something about French wine. I had felt apprehensive about getting my hair cut, knowing what was coming up but Benoit is a great hairdresser and always cuts and styles my hair well, so I came out with a confidence boost! The post hair cut tradition (yes Daniel and I go together) is now to head to Tried & True for's amazing and I would thoroughly recommend it.

Photo no.2 - we all have times when a drink is needed...the Conran shop had put up several of these with different treats inside from some dutch courage to chocolate to spa products. All of them very welcome!

That evening Leonie (Wonechen) and Phil came over for a sausage supper. Again an evening filled with love, laughter and the official third meeting of the international cheese club that Daniel and Phil started early in January 2013....I think there will need to be more frequent meetings in 2014!!!

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