Sunday, 30 March 2014

Week 3.....and I'm feeling good.

Monday 24th March

Following Saturday's pubic loss, today was the day that I first noticed hair coming out of my head. I washed my hair and saw some falling out...but to be honest, I hadn't washed my hair for a couple of days so I wasn't too surprised by this amount. The one brucie bonus is that my hair is nowhere near as greasy as it had been pre chemo, when I would wash it every day. It had started to become quite dry, so I decided to put on a deep conditioning treatment. I massaged this into my head and then ran my fingers through my hair and then 'Holy shit' that's not normal....I'm scared. As many of you know, the hair loss aspect of this situation is the one of the hardest for me. It's not vanity, it's sanity. Also, I've not felt ill from the disease, so in a bizarre way I don't want to look outwardly sick to others. Sure, I've got my armoury waiting in the wings in terms of the, no sorry my wig, headscarves etc. However, this won't protect me during the more private moments in the shower, in front of the mirror when cleaning my teeth, waking up in the morning. The other person I'm scared of this for is Daniel. I don't want him to see this...he will of course but I would give anything not for him not to. It makes me feel completely vulnerable and there's nothing I can do to control it or prevent it...well aside from the stuff that I'm doing with hair loss sprays and cold caps...but there's no guarantee and the chances are it will go. I'm strangely resigned to this, as well as wanting to fight it. Is it part of the complete breast cancer experience package? A necessary thing to go through. Who knows. As you can tell a real mixed bag of emotions.  

In the spirit of of's some of what I found in the shower that day...

Photo no.70 - it's starting on top...

Taking a deep breath, it was time to get on with the day. No point dwelling! 

What a plonker! Daniel had driven into work this morning, so that he could get to the hospital quickly from London for my oncology appointment that afternoon. This meant I was going to work from home...all fine and dandy until I came down to the study to realise my laptop was happily nested on my desk at work...what to! Blog away! This was great as it's meant that I'm pretty much up to date. Blogging real time...whoop, whoop!

Having revealed my hand as a control freak, it won't surprise you that I went into the meeting with my oncologist with 3 pages of notes - sides effects, discussion topics etc. Yes, I'm a 'business' cancer patient...detach yourself and it's less emotional. You're discussing the cancer, not you. It's hard to describe but for whatever reason it makes it easier.

This meeting turned out to a positive session. Firstly, Dr Davis measured the tumour and it had shrunk from 3cmx3.5cm to 3cmx2.5cm. Result, the drugs do work Mr Ashcroft! Dr Davis also confirmed that I will more than likely have 6 sessions and not the 8 that had been muted. Result! Boom! We also discussed at length around the use of steroids and how to control them next time to try to mitigate some of the anxiety that had come out in round 1. Overall a really positive a good news Monday!

After the meeting, we drove to my office for me to pick up said laptop. It always gives me a boost going in to see so many warm faces and receive a massive heap of encouragement. Arriving home, we both we feeling a sense of relief so decided to take a nap on the sofa. I remember thinking before the nap that I had left my laptop in the car...oh well go and get it later.........

Photo no.71 - stocking up on my vits!

Tuesday 25th March

Song of the day: You're makin me high - Toni Braxton

One thing I should say for this week, is that I've felt really good, 'normal' in fact. It's a strange treatment plan in terms of the three week cycle and how you feel each week. Again more hair was shed this morning, a sign that even though you're feeling good, there is something wrong as that hair should be on my head! Daniel's taken a really positive view to the hair loss, seeing it as a sign that the drugs are doing what they should be. I fully understand the logic and the sentiment but I'd rather it not be going anywhere!!!

Walking downstairs to start working, I suddenly realised that I had never retrieved my laptop from the car....plonker moment #2! I called Daniel to see how far away he was...Hyde Park Corner...mmn perhaps today won't be a working day afterall. Grrr!!!

Later that afternoon, my mum picked me up to take me to the hospital for what been dubbed a small procedure. My hands are pretty small and the medical team were concerned about the impact of the chemotherapy drugs on my veins. The suggestion was a port (basically a plug socket for the teams to take blood/ administer drugs, which is linked to a tube which goes into a vein) to be put into my arm into of my main veins. This would be mean that there would be no scrabbling around to try and find a vein in my hand and also reduced the risk of the smaller veins in my hand/ arm being aggravated by the drugs. Weighing up the benefits and risks, it was clear this was not really something to debate. Sure, I didn't want it but effectively I just had to suck it up. Due to the operation involving quite a few x-rays my mum wasn't allowed in the room, so the poor love had to wait outside. 

A familiar face greeted me, it was Carol who had assisted with the ultrasound on my spleen. Then another friendly face walked in and it was Kirsty who had done my MRI. I didn't like the look of this operating theatre with an x-ray machine. I had my trusted magic cream with me, so Carol applied this. Why this is not standard for all adults I just don't know. Ok, I can hear you all saying, we're not all babies like you...who cares it reduces the pain factor! Carol ran through the procedure and then I asked the fated long will it take? Usually 20-30 minutes. Ok, that sounds fine. Dr Naji then introduced himself and the procedure once more. Anymore questions, no, ok away we go.

I don't know what I had expected from this procedure but it turned out to be the worst medical aspect so far. I was covered in surgical drapes in a sterile room with someone next to me who was about to cut into my arm...I'm not a celebrity but I want to get the hell out of here...oh right that's not an option. Fine. Breathe and think happy thoughts, well that's easier said than done. It was clear Dr Naji was having problems getting the tube into a vein. One tried, lets try the next one. No, you don't want to play ball either. Give me a break, come on veins! It was extremely uncomfortable, local anaesthetic kept being administered but I could feels pushes and pulls...then oh my god!!! Dr Naji touched a nerve. My lower arm felt a huge electric shock...when will this be over. Two veins tried and no luck. Dr Naji asked if I had had surgery or injuries to my right arm but the answer is no, I've never had any problems. I tried to remain calm, breathe slowly and most importantly will my veins on. Third time lucky - bingo! There was a huge sense of relief from everyone in the room. I had been thinking about the what if they can't get it in...but they did. So rather than 30 minutes later, it was 1h 30 minutes. I was a bit frustrated as this felt like it had been an ordeal for me and there was no takeaway leaflet on the aftercare, aside from something similarish. I need things written down, to remind myself but also to let Daniel know what is and isn't right. My mum in the meantime had got through a good chunk of her book!

Getting in the car I felt teary. The lyrics from Bruce Springsteen's song Street of Philadelphia spring to mind...I was bruised and batter and I couldn't tell what I felt. I wanted to talk to Daniel but he had sent a text saying he had gone into a meeting. I tried calling anyway. Voicemail. He then called back and I burst into was terrible. I felt bad crying down the phone knowing he was an hour away but in this instance I had to let it out. My mum was brilliant and I really appreciated having her there, I just wanted Daniel. We drove home and actually by the time we got back I wasn't feeling as terrible. A cup of tea and a couple of biscuits later I had almost forgotten the trauma from the previous couple of hours. It's amazing that the brain works in this it's good it does or you'd never go back!!!

By the time Daniel arrived home, I was feeling a million times better. Onwards and upwards!

Photo no.72 - snuggle time on the sofa - feeling a little fragile.

Wednesday 26th March

Song of the day: Wifey - Next (yep, Homer's my R&B man!)

One of the things that has not really been discussed with my medical team is counselling and support for the emotional side of things. I decided to take this into my own hands and do something about it. Dr Ford had given me a leaflet for someone locally who specialises in meditation, yoga, counselling and CBT. I hadn't done anything with it, but mentioning it to a friend at work, the person turned out to be her yoga teacher who she thought was excellent. So I decided to book a session and it was for this morning. I've been really open with everyone about this disease but you do keep stuff in, mainly in my case to protect loved ones. As predicted my 90 minutes with Davinder turned into a tear fest. It felt good to let out inner most thoughts to someone who wouldn't react to them but just guide me to understand why I thought them or how I could deal with them. The ones about hair loss, I've written in the post for Monday 24th March and perhaps some of the others will come out along the way. I came out my session feeling exhausted. This I saw as a good sign and I also felt cleansed. Cleansed to let out some of the thoughts that I had been holding onto....I had passed them on.

Despite feeling tired, I was determined to haul ass and get into work. So that's exactly what I did and completed 3 hours of work. Daniel was out that evening and I had meant to be seeing Tom and Sonia but Tom was poorly so best to stay away! I'm trying to not be too anal about this type of thing so I'm using Daniel as my sense check. What he says goes! I had made a massive batch of tartar sauce on Sunday, so old lady dinner for me of fishcakes, peas and tartar sauce! I then face timed with Tom and Sonia as a good second best, which was great to catch up with these lovely people! We will see you soon, promise!xxx

Photo no.73 - selfie with Little Miss S!

Photo no.74 - reflective selfie with Little Miss S!

Thursday 27th March

Song of the day (courtesy of Wonechen): One day like this - Elbow. I always think this would make a good song to walk down the aisle to. Maybe for our third wedding we'll try this!

Photo no.75 - what is this?!!!!

And there was much more....Daniel is truly the most wonderful person as soon as I touch or do anything to my hair, he's there to support me and pick up the many hairs that are making their escape. Naughty hairs!

Early start at work today...11.00am meeting, which I managed to be late for due to spending a while finding a parking space. The person I met is not important to the tale but the message is one that I find myself hearing over and over problems (other person) are nowhere near as bad as yours (me). I understand the gravity of my illness but I still think your own worries are huge whatever the issue and we all deal with them in different ways. So to everyone out there, don't refrain from downloading on me. A problem shared is a problem halved. And to the person I met, I hope you've booked in a coffee with you know who! : )

I felt back on track today regarding work and had a great day. It was made all the better when Christian mentioned he had read my Sichuan prawn people are reading this. It's really lovely when I know. Plus Sichuan prawns are part of the recipe share club that predominantly consists of Christian, Debbie and myself...we need a catch up!!! 

At 5pm, it was time to go...I'd done a long day afterall! ; ) I drove over to Twyford to meet up with the one and only Rebecca, not the ginger one, the very talented and caring Becky Brookes! It was fab to catch up with her, she's so full of life and laughter despite her cat's best efforts that day to put a dampener on things by puking in a few locations! It was short catch up over a peppermint tea (we'll have to do it again soon!) and it was time to head off home.

Daniel was out (again - I hear you say!) for dinner. It's good that he keeps doing normal things during my good weeks and make the most of things. Sure, I'd love him to be home all the time but that's not healthy and we both need our own space. This evening, I was cooking supper for Kim. Simple supper of asparagus, pesto, lemon (juice and zest) and spaghetti. It's probably not the healthiest supper but boy does it taste good! I also let Kim sample a Swedish drink called Svagdricka, literally weak drink. I absolutely love this stuff and we concluded the best way to describe it is a shandy made with coke and bitter. It sounds grim but is so good. 

Photo no.76 - modelling Svagdricka!

As always with Kim, we had a top evening full of chatter and laughter. We had planned to watch a movie (and often do) but it never happened, as we were catching up on the events of our respective weeks. I was also consulting her over my hair wash schedule...should I wash it on Friday to get benefit before chemo of 3 days or wash it Saturday to leave it another day....Friday was decided upon, so before heading to bed that night I doused my hair with conditioner. Apprehension was building as to what would happen.

Friday 28th March

Song of the day: I'm still standing - Elton John (boy did I need this to boost me). Though I do love Kim's song choice of My baby just cares for me - Nina Simone. The piano interlude allows time for a good amount of dancing!

Photo no.77 - output of hair wash.....well a snapshot

Looking at the photo now, it's a lot of hair but what I guess no photo can convey is the scare factor of when you're combing your hair and it just sheds. It doesn't hurt as the follicle has died. It's just simple unpleasant and terrifying as there's nothing you can do. Mr W was great and helped me clear up. He also did a sterling job washing my hair. Where the port had been inserted into my arm was covered in a bandage that I couldn't get wet for 4 back to the good scenario of Daniel washing my back and in this instance my hair. It was horrid being sat in the bath being surrounded by hair but it was speedy wash and I was out. Clearing the plug hole was also grim. Still another thing done.

I planned to head into work after my physio session, so remarkably my laptop was actually at home (!) so I cracked on with some work....after I had some dancing in the kitchen time to cheer myself up. My neighbours must think I'm bonkers if they can see in.

The physio session was to try and get rid of the cording that has built up since my biopsy. It's been slightly frustrating as it's felt the same for a couple of week but today Diana's magic fingers managed to snap two of the cording strands...progess! After this and a brief chat with Bev about how the IV drip would work with the port and should it feel like this type questions, I headed into worked for a thoroughly productive afternoon. I felt the best I had in ages and my brain was operating at a higher capacity! Yay! I could have stayed for many hours but knowing I had to be in Chiswick for 7pm meant trying to leave at 5.30pm, which turned to 6.00pm and I finally got in the car at 6.20pm...this was going to go two ways, either I had timed it brilliantly and would fly down the M4 or I'd be stuck and super late...thankfully it was the former so I was fashionably only 10 minutes late. The journey flew by as I was good natter with the wonderful Laura Deutsch. It was the first time we've caught up since Lana was born and I had been 'poisoned' (ok, I know it's making me better!). So it was full of good chat. I only wish we loved closer to one another but we'll meet up soon for sure.

The Duke of Sussex is a lovely pub, opposite Acton Green. I discovered it when Emily and Kim lived two streets away and really like the atmosphere. We were meeting Stuart and Jasmin. Daniel worked with Stuart in Saudi Arabia and they've remained in touch ever since. We're absolutely delighted about Stuart and Jasmin's upcoming nuptials and are looking forward celebrating with them.

Photo no.78 - lobster paella...yum!

Around 10pm, I was hit with a wall of tiredness, lame on a Friday night it has to be said. Though that didn't stop me getting through an amazing Crema Catalana (citrus Creme Brûlée). We headed down the M4 and were home in under 30 minutes so a speedy journey. 

Photo no.79 - a tired lass but still a small smile even though I needed to hoover up hairs from the bathroom floor at midnight. Ah well. Good night!

Saturday 29th March

Song of the day: Beautiful day - U2

A day of fun with my favourite person...I slept ok but didn't have the much anticipated lie in that I was craving. I guess some of the apprehension of Monday was starting to kick in. Still up and at them. As my personal chef is not coming over next week, I needed to plan the meals to make Daniel's life a bit easier. So I dropped Daniel off at the gym and I carried onto Waitrose for a mega shop...I say mega shop as normally I only buy a couple of days at a time. I think shopping this way there's less waste and I only buy what we're definitely going to eat. But hey new circumstances mean change. After the shop, we got ready and headed up to London. The motorway gods were not kind as there had been a crash on the M4 which meant a lengthy diversion to the M40 and reduced our time on Regent Street. I wanted to head to Liberty to look at some headscarves. Thankfully once diverted our quest to Regent Street was swift and we had ample time to look at all of the beautiful scarves on offer. It's a definite must for any travellers to London!!! I ended up buying a beautiful pink peacock feather design with the endorsement of my man! Good times.

We then hurried back to the car, as Daniel was having his haircut...yep, you know the place. Apparently this is pre pre show cut...he's off to a big aviation show at the end of May and must look his best, to the point of planning haircuts in...bless! I understand that other colleagues are doing the same so this must be a big deal!

With some time on my hands, I took advantage and explored some shops in Putney. After Mr W had had his locks styled by Stephan, we took along the river. It was a beautiful evening as indeed the day had been. I love the riverside in Putney, it's such a wonderful mix with the river and the rowing clubs. There's a fantastic atmosphere and we love it. The dream would be to have one of the houses backing onto the river with a glass dining room on the can but dream!

On my travels around Putney, a shop was selling bubbles.....aha! Who doesn't love blowing bubbles? There was only one thing to do....blow!

Photo no.80 - never too old for blowing bubbles!

After our riverside promenade, we headed down the A3 to Surbiton to see Felicity and Neil not pizza night.....Mexican night! Arriba!!! Nachos followed by an awesome chilli con carne, what's not to like! It was a truly fab evening (complete with a Zumba demo by me - I do miss it and will be back soon!), even though Neil was distraught by some of our song choices to listen to. As the clocks were springing forward, we made our way home at what felt like early doors but by the time we were in bed it was 2am (new time)! A great Saturday night, thanks to the Pattinson-Jones' for their warm hospitality and for Tink staying out of the way for most of the evening (she's a tiger!!!).

Sunday 30th March

Happy Mother's Day!

Homer's hit factory today recommends the appropriate Mama - Spice Girls

Despite the fairly late bed time, I was wide awake just after 8am. I tired my darnedest to get back to sleep but no chance! Grrr! So, I got up and blogged so that going into next week, I'm up to date! At last!!! The downside was that as I was writing, it seemed I was getting covered in more and more hair from not even moving that much. Sigh. 

I had woken up with a sniffly nose and sore throat. Daniel had mentioned the evening before that he thought he was coming down with a cold. Thankfully mine seemed to turn into hayfever but Daniel seems to have had a combo of both, poor thing. Fingers crossed he's feeling better soon and that my white cells hold up for tomorrow!

To celebrate Mother's Day we hosted brunch. My parents, Luke and Natalie came over. It was a good way to start the day and who doesn't like a pain aux raisin or a croissant with some Nutella (Natalie?!). Luke and Natalie both had been hard at work and brought some homemade cupcakes over, which were fab. It was good to all get together.

We then had the afternoon to ourselves, which was brilliant to relax on the terrace in the sun. It makes you feel so good to have the sun shining on your face. Needing to get some exercise in we headed off to Hambleden for a stroll along the Thames. We took a longer walk this time and it was utterly glorious. So here's my pic of the day!

Photo no.81 - in the field of gold...daffodils, my favourites (but has to be said not my favourite photo)!

So how am I feeling about tomorrow? 25% more drugs....ok, I did 75% before so that should be fine. How's it going to feel using the port line tomorrow? I don't know but at least I know there's a line into me and no one should be messing around with my hands. Winner! Is there any point in using the cold cap? I think so, at least I know I gave it my very best shot and as Daniel said earlier I should be rocking some fab short styles later this year...I don't want to but hey focus on the positives. I'm happy that Daniel and Kim are coming tomorrow. It will make it so much easier. Of course I'm apprehensive about the side effects but at least I know a bit more of how to handle them. I'm happy my chemo mentor is on his way. I've also got time planned in with my parents, which is great. Some gardening with my Dad at the end of the week, I bet he can't wait! ; )) I just hope and pray that the chemo fog does lift within the same timeframe as last time and that the anxiety feelings are minimised. And finally, I'm not going to beat myself up so much about the need for getting back on my feet asap (I'm listening Debbie!). Next week is recovery time. What I do feel is great love for everyone in my life and I wish you a very happy week ahead, kicking the start of April off!'s Sunday know the score. Time for me and Mr W to have our dinner!!! Next time we chat, it will be the chemo chronicles part deux (I suspect with far less hair on my head)! xxx

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A normal weekend....

Saturday 22nd March

Song of the day: Le Freak C'est Chic - Chic

The weekend....nice! I had been thinking about the length of my hair all week and decided that I need to cut the bottom off, so that there was less pressure on my follicles. Perhaps a little too late but nevertheless it felt like the right time. Daniel had emailed Stephan to let him know the reason for the visit. 

Before the haircut though, it was a reunion with the Achilli's for brunch at Tried & True. Daniel had bought Luca a gift...some Gino D'Acampo everyday oil....Luca hates Gino so it was a tongue in cheek gesture....Luca in turn had brought a gift with him...5 litres of Italia's finest olive oil! Bizarre we'd both ended up bringing oil as gifts! It was wonderful for the four of us to finally be together and catch up. Particularly important for the boys as they have an intrinsic bond, which neither Moira or I can fathom or be a part of! After a excellent brunch we headed down to Chez Stephan for the chop.....Daniel planned to stay with me and did for the initial phase but I was feeling comfortable with Benoit, so he headed off to get food for that evening. Doing a dry cut must be difficult for any hairdresser and also I didn't want to have a blow-dry so it was doubly difficult but I was really pleased with the results...see below.

Photo no.60 - haircut - argh my hair!!!

Photo no.61 - the results with the wonderful Benoit @ Chez Stephan

Feeling really good we then went to Casa Achilli to pick up the 5 litres of olive oil. At which point we got to meet for the first time the very smiley and happy Greta Achilli. Bellissimo! It was nap time in the Achilli household, so we headed off. We took a detour and drove through Richmond Park, wonderful even on a rainy Saturday.

Back at home, we had some well needed sofa time before we headed a couple of doors down to the Regans for calzone night! Oh yep, a new spin on pizza night. Glenn had impressively made the dough, Rachel the tomato sauce, so all we needed to do was assemble them with our preferred toppings....simple?!! Daniel stood back to observe as the three of us assembled our you'd think he would have been the don of calzone making...I don't think the situation was helped with potentially the base being stuck to the work surface to begin with but here are some photos for you to appreciate the perseverance of 2 guys and a calzone..

Photo no.62 - we will get this onto the tray...

Photo no.63 - nearly.....

Photo no.64 - keep going!

Photo no.65 - one man and his 'calzone'.

Photo no.66 - I can't judge...mine ended up looking a burrito! Delicious regardless!

Photo no.67 - no trip to the Regans would be complete without some Maddie therapy.

We returned home full of good food and laughter. A great night as always. It was at this late hour though that I noticed some pubic hairs coming out...I promised to stay true and report the whole journey, so I have to write this as this signalled the start of hair loss. I pulled a few more and quickly realised that the whole lot would come leave alone. The positive, no bikini waxes required...the's started. Breathe. There's nothing you can do. Go to bed and sleep. So that's what I did.

Sunday 23rd March

Mr Homer sent a killer tune this day - You do something to me - Paul Weller. I adore this song but couldn't bring myself to listen to it...listen to it if you haven't before. It's beautiful.

Photo no.68 - beautiful pear tree blossom, spring is definitely here.

Sunday consisted of bimbling around the house and getting loads of chores done. It's nice to do this once in a while...getting all the niggles you have around the house being done. It's boring but therapeutic and there's a good sense of satisfaction. Daniel wasn't feeling great today, so I left him to the sofa. I think he's exhausted from the constant-ness (can't think of a better word), perhaps incessant nature of our current situation. It must be hard to keep going at work and home. Still, as someone mentioned to me today, the number of chemo sessions can be counted on one hand...that's good. Really good...roll on 23rd June and the final session (fingers crossed, touch wood).

Needing some fresh air, we drove over to Hurley for a walk along the river. It was quiet as we got there around 5pm, so it was a beautiful walk along the Thames. Spring is a time of hope and you could feel it in the air.

Photo no.69 - chubby cheeks!

Returning home, I started to prepare dinner. Daniel and I have a ritual of Sunday night dinners. Don't bother asking to see us (unless it's an emergency!)....this is our time. Good food (my weekly pressure!!!), good wine (red only at the moment for me) and the two of us. Perfect. 

A snuggle on the sofa later and another week done. Well done D&V W!xxx

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Mädle, toothbrush, Sichuan prawns, Get Welinder & Yautcha - week 2 continued!

Tuesday 18th March

Song of the day...Missing You - John Waite. Interesting choice from the Homer music factory but nevertheless a long lost 80s ballard. By the way, please feel free to send me song of the day ideas, all genres welcome!

Going into work this afternoon was much calmer as everyone had had the update, so I could try and focus on some work. Where to start was the question! Thankfully I had monitored emails even during chemo week, so this was in check. So as with most things in my life...I made a list. Gotta love a list! ; ) Feeling good, I stayed at work until 6pm...slowly getting back to normal.

That evening the legendary Leonie Cormack-Cook came over for dinner. We've grown up together and been there for each other through many different phases of life...from drunken teenage parties (details not to be given!), writing a column together at school (we didn't achieve any literary acclaim by talking about the relative benefits of various colours of fruit pastilles), 2 German exchanges (bwoarrr), staying close through university years, Sammy being born, Leonie's brief career as an Ann Summers rep, us both getting married (sadly not to each other ; ) !), Arthur being born...I could go on. I love you Wonechen and look forward to us growing older and recalling many of these tales together.

I may regret putting this next photo up but heck I've got nothing to lose!!! During 6th form, Winona Ryder sported an elf cut that unfortunately Leonie and I succumbed to by a hot hairdresser selling it to us....we should never ever have done it! To this day there are only two people who thought this looked any me, my grandmother and Eoin Harty. I guess this haircut may make a reappearance in a few months time on me but hopefully there will be better products available to pull it off!!!

Photo no.52 - Wickchen & Wonechen the early years....

Photo no.53 - Wickchen & Wonechen now - selfie style!

Wednesday 19th March

You gotta be - Desiree  - great for bopping to in the shower!!! That's right I used the word bopping...god shoot me now!

Not much to post for today, aside from the fact that I was still relishing that I had my mind back. There was a sample sale at work, which provided many goodies to help with some of the chemo side effects...not to be too graphic but laxatives, cystopurin, moisturing shower gels and face creams, cranberry juice and a pill box (you know the once which you put a week's worth in by the day am and pm!). I also felt like I was starting to get back into the swing of work.

One of the side effect that decided to rear it's head this week was a couple of mouth ulcers, annoying for any of us. So time for a toothbrush change...I've been using a Sensodyne soft brush for ages so there was only one place to go...the kids section! It has to be said I was disappointed with the options available but after lengthy consideration (!), I settled on this gem and very pleased with it I am!

Photo no.54 - is it a recorder, nope it's my new toothbrush!

Thursday 20th March

VW choice: You've got the love - Florence and the machine or equally good if not better Candi Staton's version....I love both but for real sing along I'll go for Flo but if you want to strut your stuff then Candi is your lady!

I'll let you in on a little secret...I hate the 20th of each month. Often it's a day when I feel things go wrong....this 20th however was pretty good!

Another afternoon done at work, good job! ; )

Dinner that night was Sichuan prawns, a great fast weeknight dinner! Also, a good one to pull out of the bag for dinners with friends if you're time pressured.

Photo no.55 - Sichuan prawns - Ken Hom style

Yep, that's right a glass of white wine as well. This was my second attempt at drinking white wine. Red wine tasted good, beer tasted good...but white you and I are still not tastebud friends. I was considering trying to persevere with it, you know when you 'train' yourself to like olives but in reality I can go back to this wine once my tastebuds are restored. I'll see you white wine in 16 weeks!

Friday 21st March

VW choice: Janet & Micheal Jackson - Scream. Really you need the video as well but the sentiment is there.

A trip to the physio this morning to see how the cording in my arm was doing. Frustratingly, it hadn't made much improvement from last week, Diana made me feel the cording ( guitar strings in your arm) so that I could start massaging it to try and release it...nice! More attention needed on this area. 

Then off to work...10.30 start, early doors! ; )) I stayed at work until 5pm, not bad going.

Arriving home there was an envelope from South Korea on my doormat. Initially I thought it might be for my neighbour, as she's from there but on a second look, it was for me! It was an incredible surprise from Mr Alex Busby, a handmade card...'Get Welinder'. Buzz, this was a wonderful welcome home that day, thank you so much and a trip to you is on the cards!

Photo no.56 - Get Welinder!

That evening Kim came over for dinner. Squid, potatoes and chilli were on offer that evening from V's kitchen, recipe from Hugh's Three Good Things. It's a simple dinner to make but one that everyone enjoys. Kim brought over some amazing desserts, see pics below! Thanks lovely!x

Quote of the day was Kim reminding us of Mary Poppin's wise words...'In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun!'. One to hold onto.

Overall a good Friday and a great start to the weekend!

Photo no.57 - Beautiful boxes, courtesy of the brilliant Kim...what's inside?

Photo no.58 - Oh yeah! Michellin starred desserts at home.

Photo no.59 - Happy Friday people...let's get cracking on the dessert!

Houston - the fog has lifted and we are a go!

Monday 17th March

Well hello clear mind! Yep, that's right the chemo fog had lifted and I felt like a million dollars! Plus, finally a cup of tea (albeit decaf) tasted! Now you need to listen to Zadok the Priest by Handel....and you'll get the feeling of euphoria that I felt! The introduction feels like the middle of chemo week that build up of hope that something will happen and the fog will clear, it then changes to a minor key (black friday) but then it comes back and bam, I'm back! 

I'm more than likely to repeat this analogy, so please forgive me. I don't have any grounds to base this on but the brain is amazing. Going into week 2, I reflected back on week 1 and thought ok, that wasn't too bad...I can do that again. Perhaps similar to child birth or any other kind of pain...guys remember the mammogram comparison (!), the human brain is incredible in the way that it keeps pushing you on. Of course I have flashbacks of the drugs going in but despite having to, I know I can do the next one. 

Today was the day that I had mentally prepared to go back to work. Some felt that this might have been a bit early but now that my mind was back I needed to make that first step. Sure, I felt apprehensive but I knew it would be ok as soon as I got to my desk. Daniel and I had discussed it the day before and concluded to start with afternoons as that meant if I was tired in the morning, there wasn't any pressure to get up for a certain time.

So 1.30pm arrived and the following happened:

Key - ignition - radio - Clean Bandit - good - reverse -'re off!

Wow Waitose Home BU, what a welcome back! Thank you all so much for your love and support and for listening to my story. You're an amazing bunch of people and coming in to see you all, keeps spurring me on. I spent the afternoon talking, and boy can I talk. It was only a couple of days later that Nicky F mentioned how fragile she thought I seemed. By the time I got to talk to her I was feeling tired, as I had made my way through most of the office so I guess not so surprising. 

I was then treated to lemonade and a song of the day...Happy People - R Kelly by Lee. It's sure to make you smile. Helen was there to keep him in check! ; )

17.00 - time to go! My head was hurting so I popped some paracetamol and waited for that to kick in and headed home. 

Despite feeling tired I was elated as I had made it in, the laptop even got switched on and some emails were done. Not a bad first start.

I'm really appreciating the little things at the moment and photo no.50 really captures this. The green of these hyacinths was captivating - the photo doesn't really do them justice.
Photo no.50  - glorious green...hyacinths pre bloom.

Photo no.51  - sofa time with Snoopy (yes, Daniel I know he's yours!).

I have also been thinking about the chemo...purpose number one is to kills those mean b*ggars of cancer cells but I'm viewing it as a system reset (hair included...sniff, sniff), it's just there's not a simple on/off button, as most good IT help desks will tell you! 

Monday, 24 March 2014

Chemo #1 - the week that was

Monday 10th March

Ok, put the kettle on, make a cup/ pot of tea and relax...this isn't going to be the most upbeat post but one that needs to be captured, as part of the journey.

So this was We arrived at the hospital at 10. I took and a deep breath and felt the tears start to come. It was like the first day of anything feeling, apprehension and as with some cases not wanting to go in. After a couple of minutes and several hugs later, I pulled myself together. I just didn't have an option of not going in...not get out've got to go in. Ok. Let's do this.

We headed into the hospital and walked up to the Kensington Suite and I was shown to my room, no.142. A couple of minutes later Kim arrived. I had my dream team to support me through round 1. I need to write soon about how wonderful Kim is and how I'd be lost without her in my life...she's a true friend, in fact she's more than that, she's part of my family. But that will really send me over the edge into a pool of tears and I need to get through writing this another time.

I had made the decision to try using the cold cap. This is a plastic swimming cap that is set to -6 degrees with the aim of freezing your follicles to try to slow down/ potentially prevent (wishful thinking) hair loss. Anything is worth a shot! The cold cap goes on 30 minutes before treatment and remains on until 90 mins after the last drug has been given. The machine is then switched off but you have to wait for some defrosting time before the the cap can be removed. Fun! ; ) Magic cream was applied to my hand and I was glad of this as it turned out it was tricky to get a line into my hand, so at least I didn't feel it too much. So initial set up complete, we had to await the blood test results to see if I was ok to have the chemo.

Photo no.42 - grumpy, chubby cheek jockey! 

The blood test results came back fine so time for the chemo to go in. FEC consists of 3 drugs so it meant that they were administered one after another. It's a strange feeling knowing that a toxin is going into you but I've had to view it as medicine rather than 'poison' as my breast consultant dubbed it. Bev and Regina were my nurses that day and they were truly wonderful and I'm filled to the brim with admiration for these ladies who make such a life changing experience for people like myself bearable if not good. My dream team of support worked really well, as it meant Kim and I chatted whilst Daniel emailed etc. It also meant that Daniel could escape and get some much needed fresh air plus we could put in our Caffe Nero orders!

Photo no.43 - hot chocolate & homework (aka a medical form)!

Once the last drug had gone in, Kim and I had a countdown of minutes until the cold cap could be turned off. I also kept pressing it onto my head, as surely it should be colder than this? I actually didn't feel cold elsewhere so it was completely tolerable, something I know that varies greatly person to person. Going to the toilet was also a interesting challenge, thankfully the cap could be unplugged for quick toilet breaks but I still had the fun of trying to do this one handed. A new skill achieved with some help! I also had to remember that one of the drugs was to coin Jane's phrase, what goes in red, comes out not freak out that it could be anything else! Finally the cap came off and it was home time. Complete with a large bag of drugs to combat the affects of the chemo drugs, we walked to the car. Aside from feeling slightly spaced out, I wasn't feeling too bad. Big hug with Kim and we headed home.

Straight to the sofa for some relaxing time. As the evening progressed, I felt woozier, tired but not too sick, which was great. Maggie (Daniel's mum), was the chef for the week and had thoughtfully made a salmon and sundried tomato salad....but you know how it is when you're feeling rough, fish is not such a great idea. So instead, Daniel rustled up some plan pasta for me with a sprinkling of cheese, which I completely finished along with an apple for dessert. Thankfully, I didn't miss a single meal this week. After dinner, I headed back to the sofa for some pre bed relaxing time. As expected I had a metallic taste in my mouth, which meant that ginger and lemongrass squash was the drink of choice. I got into bed about 22.30 feeling exhausted. Day 1 done. 

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling really sick but thankfully this passed relatively quickly...getting back to sleep was another matter entirely. Tired but wired is the phrase that seems to fit. 

Tuesday 11th March

Day 2 of the chemo journey. Ouch!!! Woke up with the worst hangover head...time for some paracetamol!! Aside from still feeling a bit woozy, I was surprised at how much better I felt already. Sure I felt rinsed out but nowhere near as bad as I had anticipated I might feel. Breakfast was made by my in house chef and after this and a cocktail of drugs, I headed back to the sofa. My only social arrangement of the day, was heading back to the hospital for another anti nausea drug to be injected...apparently this is something that I could do myself...mmn no thanks!!! Also, there is a certain comfort factor to knowing I'm going in so that I can ask any questions about how I'm feeling. My mum took me over to the hospital for this appointment (thank mummy!). We were asked to wait in the main chemo area....there were a few others receiving chemo that has to be said that they were probably a good 30 years or so my senior...there was a good feeling of camaraderie but it confirmed to me that I need to be in my own space for my treatment. The angel, that is Regina, jabbed me in the stomach and I was good to go! 

Back at home, I dozed on the sofa and waited for Daniel to come home from work. I woke up to see his cheeky eyes peering through the bannister, so I jumped up and gave him a massive hug. I was so pleased to see him. Dinner that night was great, as I was able to eat normal food. 

Photo no.44 - world's strongest (wo)-man!

Since my biopsy, I've had to do daily exercises to avoid cording in my arm. Daniel jokes that when I'm doing this it sounds like I'm in training for the world's strongest man competition.

At the end of Tuesday, I was really pleased with the progress I had made. So much so, I thought I'd be feeling fairly normal on Wednesday.....Overnight on Tuesday, I woke up in a complete sweat. Quick thermometer check, phew my temperature was normal. Ah here comes the menopause like flushes! Brilliant!

Wednesday 12th March

Sleep again had been a challenge over night and I was 'lucky' to have another hangover without having gone to the party. Aside from this I was feeling pretty good until I took my drug cocktail, one of which was a steroid. As the morning progressed, I started to feel worse, chest/ throat tightening and feeling extremely spaced out. My brain felt like mush and multi tasking was impossible. Not good for someone like me!!! Could it be the cocktail making me feel this way? Who knows?

I took a walk out with Lars (Daniel's dad) to pick up a prescription. It was good to get some fresh air and get the body moving. I was still concerned about my chest feeling tight, as any sign of infection needs to be caught and treated early. On our way back I popped into Rachel's for a cup of tea. I explained how I was feeling and she said I should call the hospital to see what they thought. Thanks Rach for taking control and making me do it, as I felt so relieved afterwards. I called and spoke to Regina who felt things were fine but said to keep checking my temperature as this was the best indicator. Breathe......

Photo no.45 - some Maddie therapy....

Photo no.46 - and some more Maddie healing...

Feeling more relaxed after a couple of hours with these ladies, I headed home. The one feeling from this day was frustration...I felt that at the end of Tuesday, I had made such a good come back from Monday that by Wednesday I would be feeling pretty good. This had not been the case and I couldn't understand seemed that I was now being affected by psychological side affects rather than physical. 

Thursday 13th March

Another hangover, no party having been too....h2o and plenty of it was required!

Anxiety type feelings were kicking in well and truly today. It seemed that I was fine until I took my first cocktail in the morning. Then the adrenalin, tight chest, heart palpitations, etc would kick in. I was due to have a phone call with Jane that day to discuss how I was getting on. But I needed to go in and see her face to face. Thankfully, she said I could that afternoon. It didn't seem fair to ask Daniel to come with me, and I needed someone there who could represent my under performing brain. Who you gonna call??? Debbie Grierson!!! That's right. This amazing lady, was able to come so that was brilliant news. We rendez vous'd in the hospital lobby (after my chauffeur aka Lars W dropped me off) for a pre meeting hug and debrief on the side effects I'd felt. We went up and spent an hour and a half with Jane. I was well and truly told off for introducing Debbie as my boss (by DG!) no more mentions of world's best boss (wbb), it'll now just be one of the world's best friends (wbf). These 90 minutes were invaluable and I learnt a lot....taking away the lesson of not beating myself up that I wasn't feeling better sooner. Just roll with it VW! Easier said than done.

Photo no.47 - wbf's debut blog photo!

It was on this day, I made the decision to go live on Facebook with my blog and tell many friends about the situation. I was overwhelmed with the amount of love and heartfelt messages I received from friends and family all over the globe. Please keep these coming as they really spur me on to kick this thing's butt!

Friday 14th March

Black Friday. This was not a good day, in fact it's probably the lowest day I've had so far. Anxiety levels were super high, even though the steroids had been confiscated by Regina on my visit to the hospital the previous day. I felt tearful and panicked and my brain was still mushy/ felt like a bubble. Despite this, I had to head to the hospital for a physio appointment with Diana. My mum had the 'delight' of doing this. She had never seen me like this before, so I can't imagine it was a bundle of joy doing this. When we got back, the sun was shining and all I wanted to do was sit and be peaceful in the sunshine. Which is exactly what I did with my chemo mentor (aka LW) for about 30 minutes. I then found out that my dad might pop in...pop in??? Well this sent my panic levels rising...I just wanted to relax. It sounds pretty anal in hindsight but actually I like to plan my days generally, so this didn't work for me. There was a period of will he won't he come. In the end, I said for him to come as I knew he wanted to see me and I felt bad for saying no. He popped over for a short period and I was really glad he did, as it was good to chat through the week with him. 

Earlier that day I had made an appointment to see Dr Ford (my GP), as my chest was still tight and I was feeling concerned about that. So my walking chaperone (LW) and I headed down to the surgery and waited outside for my appointment. Dr waiting rooms always tend to feel slightly warm and stuffy. Dr Ford was brilliant and again provided me with reassurance and good general advice. I'm pleased to say that Daniel and I now, no longer have our mobile phones in the bedroom at night and have gone back to a traditional alarm clock. I would recommend this to anyone.

Feeling slightly better as the day progressed, I decided it was Friday night and a glass of wine was in order. The Amarone was wasted on my decimated taste buds but it was good to be doing something 'normal'.

We also said goodbye to Daniel's parents, as they were leaving early the next morning to head back to Sweden. I am so grateful for everything they did that week, particularly it was good for Daniel to have their support. Tack så mycket!

Saturday 15th March

Better last. I still had the foggy head feeling (chemo brain) and some anxiety but I was feeling a whole heap better than black Friday. The other thing that helped was having Daniel at home. We realised that we had barely spent any time together following the chemo session on Monday, so this weekend was our time. We had a relaxing morning and then wandered into Maidenhead, to do a few chores. I remember clinging onto Daniel for dear life. No idea really but just needed to know he was there. 

We got home and I flopped onto the bed, a place I very much wanted to stay. Daniel however had other plans, ones which I went along with as I knew he wouldn't push me too much. So at 16.00ish I was bundled into the car and off to Bicester we went. Car journeys are bizarre in the way that you can switch off as a passenger and gaze out of the window and this is what I did!!! Arriving at Bicester village, I felt a bit like a zombie. The good thing was that my adrenalin levels felt like they had reduced but I still walked around the village spaced out. We were there literally 20 minutes, enough time for Daniel to pick up 3 work shirts. Top Bicester Village tip - get there after 5pm on a Saturday and the parking is tolerable and actually it's pretty decent to walk around, even if you feel like you're floating!

Next stop after the swift shirt shop, was to go and see Ben and Emily. We've been friends with these wonderful people for quite a while. They have been part of our life events over the past decade or so (argh we're getting old!!!) and it's always a pleasure to spend time with them from afternoon teas to geocaching to eating swedish naans...On this occasion however, I just wanted to head home. But it turns out that laughter is the best medicine and after an evening with these fab people I was feeling a million times better. So a huge heartfelt thank you to Ben and Emily for a truly brilliant evening and making me feel human again. Ems - the pizzas were need for anymore Pizza Express visits! And another thank you to Daniel for arranging needed this as much as I did if not more, so it was wonderful to see you relax and laugh. 

Photo no.48 - pizza night! Photo courtesy and copyright of Ben Smith - Quality of photo impaired by equipment used (ie. my iPhone!)

Arriving home that evening (early doors at 10pm!), I felt as if the previous few days had been a dream. Clearly they hadn't but it was a glimpse into a post treatment world that I can't wait to get to.

Sunday 16th March

Wow, best night's sleep all week!

Waking up my head was starting to feel slightly clearer as well. Today I wanted to test out driving. I felt rather anxious about doing this as I hadn't driven for 2.5 weeks due to the biopsy and once I was up my head was still slightly spaced out. But what the heck, life goes on so get behind that wheel VW! I dropped Daniel at the gym and headed onto can do this, just focus. It felt like I floated around Waitrose in a bubble but I had a list to go from so I just followed that and kept going. I then drove home...I had done it! Woohoo! It sounds so silly writing this but it actually felt like an achievement. One often takes doing simple things like this for granted but I can appreciate how hard these tasks can be for some people.

Back home and it was time to write up my side effect notes from the week...I'm sure this doesn't surprise you at all. If I can't be in control then at least my notebook is there is give Daniel the info he needs and or pass onto the relevant medical team. Given the state of my mind this actually took quite a while but it was good to focus, aside from listening the trampoline chants of the children next door and their delightful laughter!

It was such a lovely day, it has to be said for the whole of week 1 chemo, the weather was fantastic, which made a real difference. I always find you feel better with some sunshine on you.

We decided to head out for a walk. Over to Hambleden then! Hambleden is another special place for Daniel and I. We've spent hours walking in the hills around the village, walking over the weir to walk along the tow path into Henley. We were married in Hambleden church and were fortunate enough to have our wedding reception on Temple Island, so this area is close to our hearts. We decided to head to the river and then walk in the direction away from Henley. This provides a beautiful walk as it's quieter than going the other way and the scenery is spectacular, especially on a day such as this. There's a lovely pub (we didn't go in - promise!) called The Flowerpot Hotel, where you buy fresh eggs at the bar. Fresh air and a walk with my lovely D, what more could I ask for on a Sunday afternoon (aside from a clear head!)...bliss.

Photo no.49 - D&V together - simply the best.

I think this herein ends the chemo week chronicle. It had some highs and some unexpected lows. The main thing was that I had done it with the help and support of many loved ones. Thank you each and everyone of you who played your parts in getting me through it. Huge love from me to all of you. xxx