Thursday, 30 October 2014

The radiotherapy sessions....week 3

Monday 13th October

Song of the day (LH): Everything - Mary J. Blige
Song of the day (VW): BambolĂ©o  -Gipsy Kings

I'm writing this entry on 29th October and this seems a lifetime ago...

Having plucked up the courage to get my phone out to take some snaps last week and being encouraged by one of the Bracknell team, I thought I'd document each stage that I go through as part of my daily radio routine!

Photo no.660 - 'To the linac treatment area'

Photo no.661 - the double doors....only patients are allowed through to the sub waiting area! VIP area! ; )

Tomorrow, I might pluck up the courage to ask the radiographers to take some snaps of what goes on behind the double doors...

After today's treatment I drove over to casa Grierson to get some kitchen planning advice. I know, it's crazy to start thinking about a new project like a new kitchen but DW seems intent on doing it, so we may as well make it as good as possible! Debbie had some great tips to share and above all else it was really lovely to see her. 

Arriving home on rainy Monday afternoon, there was only one task that lay ahead...clearing the desk. You know how it is, things come in you put it on the desk and then a week or so later there are various piles to tackle! Pile number 1...cancer literature. As you can imagine this has built up over the months. I decided to take one final flick through each one to see if there was anything I should be doing or thinking about so here goes....

Photo no.662 - the cancer literature....a lot of pink!

Photo no.663 - alternative view!

It felt such a cleansing process going through all these, reliving moments of finding out about each stage...from Dr Davis written diagram of the chemo cycles I'd be having, to planning for hair loss, to finally life beyond...nearly there! There were a few useful facts that I pulled out and then it felt really good to do this.... 

Photo no.664 - in the cupboard you're needed anymore! : )

I had originally planned to put them in a bag and take them into hospital next time I'm there but then DW made a valid point that I might want them for reference. So for the time being they will live in this cupboard until the time feels right for them to leave for you. A thoroughly worthwhile exercise and I felt so great for having done it. Small steps to putting this behind us and getting onto the next chapter.

Tonight's dinner was this interesting looking squash....

Photo no.665 - harlequin squash....challenge #1 how to get into it!!!

Photo no.666 - et voilĂ ...Megadarra in a squash!

Photo no.667 - inside the squash...

Unfortunately, it's fair to say that the photos look far more exciting than this tasted. Still always good to try new things but I suspect this was DW 'where's the meat?' occasion!

One thing I did learn this evening, which I would recommend though is to roast the seeds from any squash or pumpkin. It's a bit of a faff cleaning all of the pulp from the seeds but the result was great. Add a sprinkle or two of salt and a relatively healthy but very tasty snack is made! 

Photo no.668 - roasted squash seeds

Panic!!! From today's reading session I had read that taking Vitamin C can cause radiotherapy not to be fully effective. My deciphered understanding of this is that the vitamin C almost masks any possible cancer cells with it's antioxidant properties so the radiotherapy can't work to it's full potential...well something like that! Argh! Why didn't I realise this before I started treatment...mmn calm down VW, just don't take anymore and ask tomorrow! There's nothing you can do now.....

Tuesday 14th October

Song of the day (LH): Breathe - Faith Hill
Song of the day (VW): House of fun - Madnesss

Up and kind of at them! Tuesday mornings always begin with yoga...I'm really treasuring these sessions and often feel really good after them. Something to keep doing and if like me you've not tried yoga before, I'd really recommend giving it a go. 

Each day at radiotherapy it seems there's a different radio station on. Yesterday, there was classic FM, which was soothing, last week xfm was on, less it was Madness, which made me smile, hence today's song choice.

I mentioned my vitamin C panic and neither radiographer had heard about this information, so they were not concerned. Ok. Phew. But you know what, I think I'll just leave off from taking it for the next couple of weeks. I want to give this my best shot!

Another cleansing, clearing out afternoon....goodbye cancer info sheets, chemo schedules, hair cooling booklets.....It's true, hair in 99% of cases does come back but right now mine is not the right colour!!! I know it's hard to tell when it's so short but seriously, I would like my old colour back...time will tell, I know! Fingers crossed!

Wednesday 15th October

Song of the day (LH): All about that bass - Meghan Trainor
Song of the day (VW): Drive - The Cars

A very sleepy morning...the grown up in me was feeling like I had wasted the time by staying in bed for so long but actually I think my body needed this. So no regrets!

It feels like everywhere I turn at the moment there is a cancer campaign. As previously mentioned it's breast cancer awareness month but it's also Stand Up for Cancer and it seems that there's something about this on constantly. The stats are horrid...1 in 3 people currently will get cancer at some point in their lives. I can't help but wonder is this my case and I've been lucky to have it while my body is young and relatively fit to fight this away so that I won't have to battle this later in life...who knows....The amazing stat though is that as many people are surviving now as not. This is a great testament to all the fantastic research work that is being done with great academic minds but it would be nothing without brave people with the disease allowing clinical trials to happen. I have upmost respect for these incredible human beings.

This afternoon I started reading a book that had been recommend to me. It's called Radical Remission by Kelly A Turner. Two hours melted away as I got caught up in the first two observations of radical being the first. Essentially the recommendation is to lead a vegan lifestyle. I'm not sure DW will love this dietary change. What's so hard, is that I could make a change to a vegan, caffeine, alcohol free life but I don't know if this is what caused my disease in the first place. So I've decided not to jump too soon...I need to read all of the recommendations and then make a judgement call. Being teetotal at the moment, I'm adhering to one of the principles so baby steps....I'm very excited at reading the rest of the book's absolutely fascinating and a worthwhile read whatever your health status.

Tonight's dinner challenge....

Photo no.669 - rainbow chard - it's so pretty! 

Photo no.670 - a great summer pasta dish...Bill Granger's Spaghetti with garlic and spinach...well rainbow chard in this case! 

The numbness in foot seems really bad this week. Sure it's not preventing me from doing anything but still it's quite unnerving, especially first thing in the morning, as I don't want to fall over again...fingers crossed it's just flaring up for a few days. Flat shoes at the ready! I'm also starting to think that perhaps I need to face into having my hair cut to even it out...this is daunting, as I was never brave enough to shave it off. This is what I need to do but somehow it feels wrong to be cutting new growth off. The reason for is that it'll even the hair length out and also stimulate growth...we're always told this by the hairdresser, right?! Well it seems in this case I have to hold onto the belief that it will work. So perhaps a wig wash and hair cut will be on the agenda for my next visit to Chez Stephan. Be brave VW! : )

Thursday 16th October

Song of the day (LH): So amazing - Luther Vandross
Song of the day (VW): A pizza you - Ray Gelato

Well hello blue sky, that's what you look like! I've missed you. 

My wake up call this morning was from Jo, one of the radiographers, asking if I could go in an hour's time rather than in the afternoon as another patient really needed to swop. Had it been any other day, I'd have said yes and if I'd had the call the evening before it'd have been a yes but unfortunately I had to say no, as DW was coming for his first radiotherapy experience! As you've seen, there's not much for the non patient to see but we both felt it was important for him to come and see the process.

I picked DW up from Heathrow so he could maximise work time. Each time I pick him up from here I always feel like I should be off on holiday somewhere. Not long!!! Time was pressing and I was nervous I was going to be late. For those of you know me you will laugh, as I'm always late but for my radio sessions I've been pretty much on the second on some days on the latter side but still within tolerance (or in radiotherapy lingo...within tol!). Thankfully we pretty much arrived on time so all was well!

Today, it seemed right to ask for some photos to be taken of me in the treatment room. Jo became my official photographer for this session! So here you go....I've decided not to censor all know what a boob looks no stars for's what a radiotherapy session looks like in my case. The only thing to note is that even though flash wasn't used, the room is a lot darker than these photos depict, so you'll need to use your imagination for this bit.

Photo no.671 - arms in you just don't care! (hence the physio to get to this position!).

Photo no.672 - the silhouette that I've described to you....

Photo no.673 - the green lines are laser beams to help to get me into the exact position. Where the light is shining is where the beams are being directed at...this is one position of 3.

Photo no.674 - neck zap position...the black mark you can see on my side is where one of my tattoos is.

Photo no.675 - chin up...I will forever remember that my chin needed to be up 11cm to avoid the it will just be caught as you can see the light on it.

Big thanks to Jo for taking the pics and for the whole team being encouraging for them to be taken. It was great coming out of session number 11 and being able to show DW what goes on beyond the double doors.

Lunch time!

Photo no.676 - one happy man and his ploughman's!

If you're in need of a quality ploughman's or just a blimin good lunch then I would really recommend Dorney Court. It's in a beautiful setting and a lovely place to go for some quality food. They've got a kitchen garden and really make the menu seasonal. 

Photo no.677 - capsicums...or green peppers and aubergines...always nice to see where your food comes from rather than the supermarket shelf.

Throughout this year, the Hamilton family (all of you!) have been really supportive to DW and I. Recently it was Rob and Ces' birthday and as a way to celebrate this we decided to take them a late night jazz session in the Elgar Room at the Albert Hall to see the wonderful Ray Gelato. I'm am rubbish at keeping secrets but somehow managed to pull this one off. So a very happy birthday to two very special people! xxx

Photo no.678 - Ray and his sax!

Photo no.679 - the man himself!!!

 The last and only other time we saw Ray was at Ronnie Scott's. Not knowing his repertoire that well I had listened to some of his tracks...his style is a mix of original material and covers of some true jazz classics. My favourite of his original tracks is a Pizza  You! Sadly, Ray didn't get a chance to play this at Ronnie's, so when he passed by us this evening,  I couldn't resist asking for it and we also got in Rob's favourite song..My Last Meatball...thankfully the jazz man was happy to play them for us including a shout to us being the young table in the room! So flattering! ; ) A fantastic set and the Elgar Room is a great location, one to be repeated but perhaps not on a school night! Thanks Celia and Mike for looking after Harrison and making this evening possible. : ) x

Friday 17th October

Song of the day (LH): Slow - Rumer
Song of the day (VW): Careless whisper - George Michael

Foolishly I had booked a doctor's appointment for 08.50....d'oh! I definitely needed more sleep. Hey ho, off you go! One thing that has been niggling my mind this year is whether when I got a breast check done 5 years ago if that was the start of this menace. So it was time to ask if it was my left breast that had been investigated. Unfortunately the GP couldn't see this as I had changed GP surgery, so would need access to my old paper for another day. Though I guess even if I know it was the same breast would it make a difference...probably not. Still I left armed with a prescription for more XClair and that was the primary aim! I've been using this cream to help prevent my skin reacting too badly to the cosmic fairy dust that has been falling on me. Thankfully, there is barely any reaction yet, so I'll keep going with this stuff as it seems to be doing the trick. 

I felt absolutely shattered this afternoon, so did as my body was telling me and lazed and dozed on the sofa, something I've got much better at doing. I mentioned the book I have been reading at the moment, Radical Remissions. It's been an fascinating read so far but I've realised it's taken me to a place I didn't necessarily want to go...reading about cancer. Plus although everything I'm reading is utterly inspiring it is reinforcing the message that the cancer could come back...I feel innately that this is a this year challenge and that the menace has moved on and out but I guess for a while there is going to be the what if demon on my shoulder. I feel torn...part of me knows there is a recurrence chance whilst the other part of me, believes in just focussing on what is known today and not worry about tomorrow. I guess part of the reason for this dilemma is thinking around when to potentially think about planning for a family. Due to the tamoxifen and a few other factors, adoption will be our choice but knowing when and if this is even possible is something that I've started to think about. A good sign, as I think it about looking strongly to the future. I read that you should visualise what age you'd like to live until. Apparently people who have lived to a hundred or more when asked this have replied at least one hundred, so potentially there is some truth in focussing what age you'd like to live until. I've got my number in my mind I truly hope it I reach it having had a wonderfully happy life...ah utopia! : ) Only time will tell if the menace wants to come back and play but I guess feeling melancholy, I'm prepared for that and wish above all else that it won't...I'm keeping my eyes open!

One of the recommendations from radical remissions is around pretty much living to a vegan lifestyle. I have to say since reading that chapter, everything that I have subsequently put in my mouth that doesn't adhere to this has made be feel extremely what to cook for's proving a harder challenge than just Mr Able can provide!

Photo no.680 - a trio of veggie curries....bombay potatoes, asparagus & leek, broccoli & tomato.

Despite having ample food, DW was very much thanks for making 3 side dishes...where's the main course! Mmn this will take some work!
So my last question of the day....will I shave my hair tomorrow?!!!

Saturday 18th October

Song of the day (LH): Right here - Jess Glynne
Song of the day (VW): Can't get enough of your love, baby - Barry White

My darling, I, can't get enough of your love, it!!! What a legend!

So a date with the lovely Ben at Chez Stephan, officially booked as a wig wash...but I decided to go for the hair cut! Before leaving the house I asked DW to take photos of my hair from all angles...this is the first time I've seen the back of my head bare in months...I was pleasantly surprised by the amount there...that was about to be shaved off! One Sinead O'Connor please! We decided just to even the length, if you can call it that! Even though Ben assured me there would still be a good amount of hair on my head there seemed to be a lot coming off! Argh!!! The hair falling off was so, so soft and the colour was just bizarre and so unfamiliar. A dark grey, not as in a grey hair ie. white but actually dark grey. Please just be the first growth colour!!! It almost didn't feel like it was my own hair. Still hair cut number 1 done and lets hope it does provide the growth spurt that everyone keeps saying will happen! It didn't look drastically different to the photos from that morning, so a good call!

I've felt so spaced out today. I'm not sure if it's tiredness or what. I almost want to scream but I'm not sure what about and I don't know how to let it out...shall we call this a wobble VW? Mmn shall we? 

We were both feeling shattered this evening, so it was a case of some back to back Mad Men episodes and some zzzzz!

Sunday 19th October

Song of the day (LH): Wild wood - Paul Weller
Song of the day (VW): Sunny - Bobby Hebb

Woah....11 hours of sleep! Oh yeah! : ) Sorry parents of small children....! Though I did have a smidgen of a feeling that I had wasted the morning....but it was just a smidgen...I like that word! A lazy Sunday overall but at least we did manage a walk along the river to Bray, complete with seeing some swans flying...they are truly magnificent to watch.

Plus I had the usual Sunday 'pressure' of making the Sunday night supper....tonight I decided to take a trip to Morocco....the reason...needing to find different ways to use the abundance of kale that was in the fridge. It's now gone on my Able & Cole veto list!

So may I present to you....

Photo no.681 - Bastila with seafood, spinach (kale!) and noodles

Photo no.682 - accompanied by grated cucumber salad with oregano

Photo no.683 - inside the beast of the bastila!

I truly hadn't anticipated how much time this was going to take to make...and the really sad part was that it wasn't worth the 90 minutes of love poured into it...and due to it's non vegan nature it didn't make me feel any better on that score. A thumbs down to this Sunday night! In some ways I feel that my cooking mojo is on an all time low. Perhaps I truly am tired...mind, body and soul...

People are often saying to me that I'll be so glad once treatment is over with and we can focus on the future. This is partially true but in some ways I'm more scared about what the future holds than what has happened this year. This year I've had months of following plans that others have set out for me. Chemo check. Surgery check. Radio...nearly check. Now it seems that I'm facing into being unleashed into the unknown...exciting yet daunting at the same time. Why? Because I have a strong feeling that I need to make some changes in my life to feel more fulfilled and help others...I have got some ideas but soon I will need to start putting them into action...I know, don't put pressure on yourself...I don't see this year as being a bad year, sure it could have been better. It's been a whopper of a challenge and has pushed DW and I mentally and physically but it's given time to pause, reflect, think and find out a heck of a lot about myself. Things that I would never have faced into had I not been offered this opportunity. So you will think this a bizarre thing to say but I'm almost grateful to have been given this wake up call. Undeserved, yes but you know what I've learnt that you have to make the most of every situation. I've often thought it has been a harder year for those closest around a certain extent it probably has been but it will be easier for them to move on...I'll carry the battle scars for a while longer and whilst I intend to live every moment to the fullest, I cannot wait until 5 years time when I will (I blimin well hope to the max) be told that I'm in the clear once more....

And on that reflective note, here endeth the radiotherapy sessions week 3. 

Love, peace, joy and hope to you all....this motto is not just for Christmas! : )

Friday, 17 October 2014

The radiotherapy sessions...week 2

Monday 6th October

Song of the day (LH): Sit down - James
Song of the day (VW): Ain't no man - Dina Carroll

A rainy October day, time to embrace and enjoy the seasonal shift. Autumn is one of my favourite seasons, the colours are incredible and it feels nice to have cosy days indoors. I'm apprehensive to say this aloud but I'm starting to feel good, really good in fact. It seems sleepy September has passed....

Due to some train issues, DW had taken the car, so my Mum came up trumps and chauffeured me to and from radiotherapy today. I hadn't seen my Mum for a week or so and wanted to see her reaction to my hair growth. As you know, this has been an area of concern for the past few weeks. I couldn't have asked for a better reaction and actually felt quite emotional..she was dumb struck and I was elated that she was so pleasantly surprised! 

Time to get zapped! It was quicker today than the previous 2 occasions, a sign to come I hope. Whilst lying there in the dark, this song came on the radio...

I'd hardly call this the time of my life but it did make me smile! : ) There are 2 images that I will forever remember from radiotherapy. The first being the silhouette of my new boob on one of the boards and the second is my reflection in linac machine's lens as it moves over my head. I'll try and pluck up courage to see if one of the radiographers will take the former! So the cosmic fairy dust fell from three different places and I just laid and thought of it's magical healing power! I think that's all you can do!

I'm trying to walk at least a mile a day. A mile day to keep the doctor away...well that amongst many things! The best thing about rainy autumnal days is coming home and having that feeling of hibernating. 

As you may know, October is breast cancer awareness month. I've been trying to think of how I can contribute to this year's campaign. Suddenly it came to me...just ask your friends to feel their boobs. A simple message but one that can be achieved by all. No sponsorship, just a quick squeeze! So I posted the photo that you saw last week, sans wig/ headscarf and made a plea to all my friends and loved ones to feel their boobs and to pass the message on. I hope that from the likes this message got, it did spring people into the action requested. Plus a few people commented about checking other body areas....absolutely. Body awareness is key in this survival game we all too often take for granted. For me, I feel that I can only focus a request for help on one area of the feel your boobs! Please! Guys too, no excuses! Thanks to the few of you who shared my post, so that the message reached even more

Photo no.649 - DW - 'you look like santa' - gee thanks! Perhaps a happy elf! : ))

Tuesday 7th October

Song of the day (LH): Thinking about your love - Kenny Thomas
Song of the day (VW): The sound of silence - Simon & Garfunkel

Bright blue skies, crisp cool air......a perfect autumnal day, made complete with a pretty good start of some yoga. Breathe.......

Today was my first radiotherapy trip on my own. Nothing to be scared of, just the feeling of isolation but you can handle that as you're a fine, young, confident woman...well so it may seem to the outside.

Photo no.650 - the sub waiting area...more double doors...note the danger sign on the door!

Photo no.651 - all gowned up and ready to go...feeling pensive.

Today there was silence in the treatment room. The sound of silence. Hence today's song choice. I've been thinking about last week's analogy to Gravity...adding to this, there is a feeling of weightlessness as the bed I'm laid on is rotated into the different positions so it seems as if you're floating...and no, I'm not taking any sedatives! : )

So solo session done. Off to work then for you my lass! Despite, starting to feel much better, I forget how much energy is required being at work. It really does take it out of me. I know it's early days, so it's important to honour and acknowledge this. Baby steps back VW.

Tonight's dinner was pretty darn good....though Mr Able you are solely responsible for the amount of cheese consumed.....

Photo no.652 - Broccoli Rarebit (avec chestnut mushrooms)

The cheese sauce required cider and it is one of the best cheese sauces that I've ever tasted. In reality, this was more like fondue with's the recipe should you feel indulgent! 

I skipped the walnuts, as I'm not really a fan and it was more fat! Mr Able, you're meant to be providing me with healthy dinners.....tomorrow then!

My fellow diner this evening was the ever wonderful Kim. It was so lovely to see her as we hadn't seen each other for a couple of weeks, which is a long time in our world!

Photo no.653 - a beautiful bunch from a beautiful girl...thanks Kim!

Wednesday 8th October

Song of the day (LH): Don't leave me this way - Thelma Houston
Song of the day (VW): Feel - Robbie Williams

A big, fat wobble day. Emotions were running high today. Tears were a plenty. Cause....some tiredness....and some other things...loneliness...realisation...isolation...Oh yeah and slipping on the sheet the guy installing our alarm had laid, meaning my whole body fell onto a tiled floor onto my left side. I just wanted to lie there and cry but of course the survivor in me got straight up and said I was fine...fine is such a strange word. What does it really mean? A vanilla word. Neither good or bad. 

I'm not quite sure why I was feeling so alone. It wasn't company that I was craving, there must be something going on on the inside. Just let the energy flow.....

Still radiotherapy #5 done....1/3 of the way through. Today I had a check up with the skin specialist. It was pretty uneventful as my skin was faring well (hurrah!) and emotions aside I was feeling fine. One thing that was confirmed today was that I'll be needing to do my physio exercises forever. To be honest I didn't need someone to tell me this, since I've been doing them routinely since February but still sometimes it's just not what you need to hear. I asked the specialist how she potentially thought my skin may get on...she linked it to how well you fare in the sun...being milky white not so great...this conflicted with information that the Janes had mentioned in that they had had cases of darker skins having severe you know what, I'll keep thinking the cosmic fairy dust is falling on me and remain positive.

I was a working girl this I've not decided to operate in the red light district, just a few hours at Waitrose HQ. Does that sound even worse. Whatever...I went to work.

That evening, I went to a yoga session with Rachel. Davinder was taking the class, so a familiar face, though I wasn't sure how I was going to do, as at the start of the session she said it was a strong class....mmn....but you know what there were things I could do and things I couldn't but overall I really, really enjoyed it and it made me feel a whole heap better.

So not the best day but at least I had a day...tomorrow can only be better. Right!

Thursday 9th October

Song of the day (LH): Tom's Diner - DNA
Song of the day (VW): Luka - Suzanne Vega

Music man and I are in sync!

I spent the morning hibernating under a blanket...mañana, mañana...was definitely the philosophy of the morning...then it was go, go, go, as I realised I was going to be late!

Zapping was fine today, another done...on the final countdown! Today's main accomplishment was getting you Wonderland up to date. It's taken a while and at times it's felt like a battle in it's own right but we're now bang up to date! Hurrah!

Tonight's dinner...Super Wheatberry with roasted carrots and goes

Photo no.654 - purple carrots to be roasted with garlic and cumin seeds

Photo no.655 - perfect pomegranate...

Photo no.656 - ta-dah!

The tricky part of this dish was trying to track down the super wheatberry. As the recipe originated from a recent M&S publication I tried there but no one had heard of it. Then I tried Waitrose but no luck either. So in the end I went for a mix of grains which seemed to look like the photo! A great dinner...I was going to give you the link but alas I can't find it on the M&S website. If you're interested...ask me!

I'd been wondering why my shoulder had been hurting all day. Then I remembered my mighty fall yesterday, no wonder! I fell on it! Still good to realise it was that and not radiotherapy related. I asked DW tonight to have a closer inspection of my hair to see what colour it is...his answer...grey. This was not the answer I was looking for. In fact, bar a few genuine grey hairs, it's looking a dull dark colour...void of any of the lovely pigment I had before. Here's hoping this is just first growth and that the pigment will come back. Please!!!

I'm hesitant to write the next bit for fear of being shot down but it needs to be said, so that you can understand other elements of what I've been experiencing. I'm feeling really fat. Fatty, fat, fat, fat! Knowing I've gone over the weight that I had hoped not too is pretty annoying. I don't feel that I'm really eating that much more and my baked goods consumption has severely dwindled, which is good. So it seems less cheesy dinners and a bit more exercise is required to get this back in check. I know, give yourself a break.....breaks aren't to be had when you feel uncomfortable in many of your clothes. So we'll see where this of the few things I want to go down!

Friday 10th October

Song of the day (LH): Abracadabra - Steve Miller Band
Song of the day (VW): The Joker - Steve Miller Band

A rather non eventful Friday, which I guess you could say is a good thing! I saw Diana this week for physio and we decided that for the moment I can manage the cording another thing signed off. Good, good.

I checked in on Jane as I had a couple of questions. One was whether I should have a flu jab this winter. I've never previously had one but having seen posters advertising this here, there and everywhere, I thought I should ask the question. Good news! My immune system should be pretty much back to normal so my call. Hmm...pros and cons either way but you know what my body has had enough stuff put into it this year, so I think I'll take my chances.'re going to laugh considering all that was said yesterday regarding being a fatty. Tonight I went to Pizza Express for dinner...I've been craving specifically a Pizza Express pizza for tonight was the night. My date..the wonderful Kim! I did however, maintain my no alcohol state, which is hard as really what I also wanted was a nice glass of red to accompany my dinner...New food regime from Monday, as I knew what was happening tomorrow! 

Saturday 11th October

Song of the day (LH): Your latest trick - Dire Straits
Song of the day (VW): Hotel California - Eagles

Blissful Saturday morning lie in...thank you!

As a birthday gift to the lovely Laura Deutsch, I took her for afternoon tea at Orange Pekoe in Barnes. It's one the best places in my opinion, particularly for tea, as there is a 20 page menu of various teas you can have, which will be brewed to perfection. I went for   a Milky Oolong, which worked perfectly with the teatime treats on offer!

Photo no.657 - tea for 2!

The other great thing about this afternoon tea, is the sandwiches. Usually this is my least favourite part of an afternoon tea but here you're offered mint & cucumber, smoked salmon & dill, cheese & chutney, ham & mustard (no thanks!) and egg mayo (no thanks!). Laura went for pear & chocolate cake for her sweet element, whilst I chose a coffee and walnut macaroon which was sublime. Overall an excellent tea with lots of good chat! Thanks to Mr Deutsch who looked after the Deutsch Jnrs to allow Laura to come! I think it was appreciated!xxx

After we finished tea, Laura headed back to relieve Ally. DW and I decided to take a walk along the Thames. The stretch from Barnes to Putney is beautiful, particularly considering you're in the city. It was especially good today with the autumnal colours and warm sunshine. Absolutely flawless... 

Photo no.658 - sunset over the Thames

This year has been all about getting through the various hurdles that have been presented to us. Now treatment is thankfully nearly over, I'm realising that I'm always going to have permanent scars and reminders of this year. You could say that they're lucky reminders of events that have saved my life but clearly they're here to stay......

Sunday 12th October

Song of the day (LH): And I am telling you I'm not going - Jennifer Hudson
Song of the day (VW): Make it with you - Bread

Once a month, I'm aiming to go to a yoga and meditation morning to give my body and mind time out. They're at St Katharine's in Parmoor, which is a serene and beautiful setting. This morning, we got to try Davinder's infamous green's a blend of many different was very green and thankfully due to Davinder's expert blending, it didn't taste too bad! The idea of the juice is to ensure the body receives all the nutrients it requires but also to alkalise the body. Apparently, if you're body is in an alkaline state, disease can't take something to potentially start doing each day.

By the time we got to the meditation section I was feeling super relaxed and yep, the inevitable dozing occurred...oops! Hopefully my mind and body were subconsciously taking things on board. : )

As I had an abundance of kale, I had decided to make some soup for lunch. I think I'm a slow cook as it always seems to take me much longer than the recipe says...nevermind it's the outcome that was ok....still lunch was made for the start of the week, so hopefully it will get better with age!!!

After lunch I felt absolutely exhausted. I went and hibernated on the sofa under a blanket and this is where I stayed for the remainder of the afternoon. No Sunday! This was consoled by the fact that we had had a good walk the day before..still no Sunday is complete without a stroll somewhere. There was no getting in the way of my snuggling on the sofa. I just didn't want to move and I couldn't seem to warm up. Perhaps I was fighting something. All the while it was good hearing the gentle sound of rain outside. 

So on a day like today, there is only one thing to have for dinner....

Photo no.659  - sausage and roasted tomato bake

As with Friday night, a cheeky glass of red would have been delightful but instead I stuck to a non alcoholic beer...not long to go!!!

So there we go. Another week of the treatment treadmill done. The pace is slowing down, for which we're both extremely grateful for. So are we starting to come out of Wonderland and heading towards entering through the looking glass? Let's see what next week holds...fingers crossed no sunburn!

Love, peace and joy to you all!

Thursday, 9 October 2014

The radiotherapy sessions....week 1

Monday 29th September 

Song of the day (LH): Car wash - Rose Royce
Song of the day (VW): Lady, hear me tonight - Modjo

Another night of broken, broken sleep. I understand for all those of you with children this is potentially a standard night, so I apologise for the sleep moan but still I'd feel a whole heap better with a large dose of zzzz!

I feel that this week marks the end of limbo land as the next treatment kicks off on Thursday....not long!

This afternoon I met a lovely lady who is planning on having the same surgery as me. Her story was really heartwarming. She found her lump, 3 months after giving birth to her second child. She's gone through 8 cycles of chemo, herceptin doses and now is about to have a mastectomy with immediate implant based reconstruction. Despite her finishing chemo a month or so after me it seemed from the photos that she showed me that her hair growth was speedy....come on hair!!! After chatting through how I'd found surgery and relieving, I hope some of her worries, we popped over to the Haven so that I could show her my new breast in the loos there. Her smile said it reassured her and also reassured me that it's still looking pretty good! It's simple chats and such toilet trips that can really make a difference to how people are feeling. Simply put it's time. The thing that can be so easy to give but equally cost so much in certain circumstances. I hope to be able to do this more, as it was so rewarding to see this worried lady walk away feeling more confident about what the next couple of weeks may have in store for her.

My Haven appointment today was another session with Gosia. Today it was more of a coaching session thinking about the future. I'm not going to relay the ins and outs of it as I'm still mulling it over in my mind but here's something to make you think about what you'd like to be doing with your life....

1. You've got six months to live. What would you do with this time?
2. The day before you're due to die, you're told there's been a terrible mix up. As compensation you're given £50 million. If you spend it, there's more cash available. What would you do?
3. Material goods aside, see if you can translate this into a feasible action plan for your real life now. 
4. Then write a statement dated for a year's time, writing as if that's you say in October 2015. Sign it. Read it and believe it....

Can you do it? Yes, you can, you just have to believe it! So just to give you a taster, this is what my mind is pondering about at the moment. Exciting! Though I'd love to full energy back to enable me to really start to focus on this. Another great session! Thanks Gosia!

Time to drop the beloved Fiat 500 back to Heathrow...sniff, sniff! 90 minutes later, I finally got there. Right, now time to find the bus to get home. I had to try to get from terminal 5 to the central Heathrow bus station. Now I like to think that I'm fairly on the ball, but to get to the central bus station is an interesting task at Heathrow. I followed the signs to the buses. Well, they were going to all sorts of locations but not the central hub. Hmm. I spoke to a few bus drivers and in the end just boarded one going to Slough...going through various housing estates near to Heathrow I was debating whether this had been the right call. However 20 minutes later I arrived at Slough bus station where technically I should be able to pick up the original bus I had planned to get. Ok, it goes from the next gate. 50 minutes time...less good....thankfully on checking another board the next one should be arriving in 5 mins. Good, good...time for a random guy to come and chat with me...not so good! I'm sure he was harmless but unfortunately there is an element of stranger danger! ; ) Yes, I'm being OTT, as I was absolutely exhausted and all I wanted to do was curl up on our sofa. So I was very grateful when I saw the bus pull in and subsequently walk through our front door about 20 minutes later....jazz24 playing with DW cooking...I was home at last! Nice.

Tuesday 30th September 

Song of the day (LH): Blame it on me - George Ezra
Song of the day (VW): Bang, bang - Jessie J

Broken, broken sleep when will you go, go, go away?! I know my lovely body you're not a fan of the new tablet but we need to make friends, as we need this chemical to keep the pesky bad ones at lets play nicely together, shall we?!!!

I've been resisting so hard having this Jessie J as my song of the's just not use I love it so it had to be done!

I did yoga first thing and despite really not wanting to do this, I felt super energised afterwards so was so glad that I did. In fact, the energy levels remained high for quite a lot of the day....days like this are good. My mind was feeling a lot clearer so perhaps it has been in a bit of a fog from the various things going on over the last few months. May there be more days like today please!

The Able & Cole challenge...week 2!

Photo no.627 - today's lunch...pan fried mushrooms & leeks on Irish stoneground wheaten...

Photo no.628 - Jamie's 15 minute Delicious chicken salad with added radish crunch!

The green beans were an exchange for Jamie's recommendation of broccoli and I decided to use quinoa as my carb. Overall, it was indeed a delicious chicken salad!

Aside from sleep, hair seems to be the other thing that I've grumbled about. It feels like slow progress but perhaps I've always had slow growing hair and just not really noticed. Shade wise it's darker, another grumble as I liked my original colour...still be grateful for what you have VW...some sprinkling of hair but if the hair god is looking down, then a shade or two lighter would be great! 

I'm feeling a bit nervous about Thursday......not long to go VW! Hang on in there!

Wednesday 1st October

Song of the day (LH): Endless love - Diana Ross
Song of the day (VW): The ex factor - Lauryn Hill

A few night sweats coupled with my mind being alert meant a less than acceptable night's sleep...tell me subconscious what's keeping you awake? 

Today was mainly spent on trains as I travelled down to Salisbury to see the refurbished home department. It's due to open on Monday 6th and it looked like it was all on track. Well worth a visit if you're in the area! 

I felt absolutely exhausted on the 6 train journey legs I had to do, to get there. Low energy and the feeling of exhaustion and what do you get a fairly low mentally feeling VW. I guess that's why they call it the blues...perhaps a mix of what the hell has happened  this year with a dashing of pre radiotherapy anxiety? I still have the feeling of calm that came around the time of having surgery. Just get radio session 1 done and that'll be one less thing to worry about. Positive thinking, will give a positive result! So you know what...I wrote a future statement about it is...

My skin has remained calm and safe throughout radiotherapy. I've not suffered any tiredness and I'm enjoying about to be going on a trip with DW. Treatment is finished and I'm well. Thank you everybody, thank you. 
Victoria Welinder - 23rd October 2014 

For whatever reason, I seem to rustle energy to cook. This was a corker even if I do say so myself! : )

Photo no.629 - stuffed tomato on a courgette & tomato risotto

Here comes today's hair chat....I miss my hair at night time now that it's got cooler in the evenings. I miss scooping it from my neck and tucking it behind my ear. Simple things.

Thursday 2nd October

Song of the day (LH): Come away with me - Norah Jones
Song of the day (VW): City of blinding lights - U2

In my morning meditation, I focus on events that are going to happen that day and try to visualise them going really well. Yesterday, I focussed in on getting some good only one hot flush attack was good going!

Time to get ready to go to radiotherapy. I don't want to go. I don't have to. I want to be well. So I do have to go. Not having too much time to get ready meant that there wasn't too much time to overthink things. Good plan!!!

My neighbour, Rachel had kindly offered to take me to my first session. Her parents in law had very kindly offered to look after Maddie for the morning. Thank you! We walked into the clinic and wow what a great first impression. There was a large atrium with a cafe in it, which made it feel less clinical. Good, good so far. I walked past a couple that I recognised from a nail session at Odney...we stopped and had a quick chat with them. They were there for the minor injuries unit as one of them had hurt their hand. Nice to see familiar faces.

I checked into the radiotherapy reception and was told that they were expected me! Excellent! Before we barely turned around, the double doors opened and I was called through for a pre treatment chat. This mainly was to run through the side effects, creams to use and more importantly not use on my skin. It won't surprise you but I had taken the things I had been planning to use with me so that they could be approved! I know, I know it's a bit OCD but when it's your body, then I do believe in doing the best by it...of course mine is such a temple!!! ; )) A slightly chubby temple at the moment. The radiographer was great and went along with all of my questions, yep there was a list! Though when it came to him talking I had to really focus to try and decipher his speedy scouse accent! Sorry my northern friends but it can be tricky! 

Time to gown up and then into the radiotherapy room I went. It felt very surreal and the truth be told, I wanted to run away. For my other treatments, I've had DW, close friends and family with me either during treatment or right up to the moment of it happening. Radiotherapy feels different. It took quite a while to get me into the precise locations required. This is done to the millimetre. 'Within tolerance' was said quite a few times.
If I wanted to sneeze, I was told to not be polite and cover my face. I had to remain in position and even though during the sneeze I would move if I left my hands above my head, I'd go back to the right position post sneeze. Ok! At times during this and then moments when I was alone in the room I wanted to cry. Crying wasn't an option, as I was worried about moving out of position. I knew I could get through it but I feel like I'm going through some sort of grief, for what I'm not sure. The radiotherapy room sure brings out the emotions! 

During set up, the lights are dimmed and there is a green laser beam cast across my body, to get everything lined up. My hands got really cold being positioned above my head and my neck was in a less than comfortable position but there are worse things to happen..right! Once in position, the radiographers hit a button on the wall and walk out and leave me alone. The first couple of times were used to take photos to ensure I was in the correct position. Then for the next 2 'rounds' a sticker was stuck onto 2 of the tattoo points to measure the amount of treatment being given. In fact it was only when I asked what the stickers were for that I was told I had had 2/3 of the treatment. I realised at that point it's being targeted in 3 different to the right, one to the left and then one from above. There's a lightbox on the wall, a bit like the one you see at the opticians. Beam off. Radiation goes. I'm alone. I can hear the aperture of the linac changing and then there's a loud buzzing sound...I'll try to think of a better sound description at some stage. The radio is on so there's music but nothing upbeat...see the magic healing fairy dust VW! This is killing any pesky cancer cells that might have survived  2 efforts to get rid of them. It could have been my mind playing tricks but I felt some form of electrical current running through me. Probably just my imagination. In one of the positions I had to ensure my chin was in the air at least 11cm....ok! Staring straight up at the machine made me feel slightly queasy...a bit sea sick. I tried closing my eyes but they didn't want to remain shut...still 30 seconds later it was over. 

Bright lights back on. You're done! Good to go. It felt like as soon as it had begun, it ended.

Time for a well deserved lunch with Rachel in Windsor! Fish finger sandwich...oh yeah! Big thank you to Rachel for chauffeuring me and coming for lunch!xxx

The plan for the rest of the afternoon was to relax at home. Nice. When I got back I took some photos of the additional marks that had been made during the radio session so I knew the total area to apply the magic cream to. A different magic (Emla) cream this time, called XClair, that has been specifically used for moisturising the skin post radiotherapy. Fingers crossed! 

Out of this set of useful selfies I found one that I wanted to share with you. I feel torn about sharing it but as you've seen me laugh, cry and everything in between it seems only right for you to see this. October is breast cancer awareness month. So here's a photo of a tenacious young woman that is coming out the other side of the treatment regime.

Photo no.630 - hope....

Before dinner, I had  a quick visit from someone who has been amazingly supportive. It was lovely to see her as it's been a while. A good point was made on the hair grumble...after chemo round 6, I lost the hair that had grown during rounds 4 and actually I've had about 2 months of hair growing time rather than the 3 that I thought I perhaps I'm not doing so badly afterall! 

Photo no.631 - Jamie's 15 minute veggie chilli served on a roasted butternut squash!

At each treatment milestone, DW has given brilliant gifts to make me smile...first there was Little Miss Sunshine, then Mr Potato this evening may I introduce to you... 

Photo no.632 - Mrs Potato Head!

Photo no.633 - potato love!

I love you DW! You're the best!xxx

Friday 3rd October

Song of the day (LH): Fall at your feet - Crowded House
Song of the day (VW): Radioactive - Imagine Dragons

'I'm radioactive, radioactive'! Well, not quite...but feels appropriate. Actually the lyrics to that song feel quite liberating so I might make it my new anthem.

So time for session #2! Today's chaperone was my lovely mummy. We went via pmh as I was due to have a physio session. It turned out to be a brief one. I thought it was going to be with the Diana but yet again it was with someone else...I need to check this when I book appointments next time! We went to say a quick hello to Regina. She looked so very tired and could definitely use some time off.....but all she says is she's ok. It was lovely to see her and have a big hug!

Time to hit the road to Bracknell! In the atrium, I stumbled across these.....

Photo no.634  - we've had one for ages that is was our first 'pet' in Fulham called here are his Bracknell buddies!

I left my mum with a coffee and went through to get changed. I still can't work out how to make one hospital gown into a dressing gown...I seem to need to two...perhaps one day I'll learn but not today!

So back on the bed for session #2. I've not seen the movie Gravity but for whatever reason, whenever I'm laid there in the dark on my own or when the machine is moving over my head and I can I see my face reflecting in it, I feel like the short clips I've seen from it. Strange, perhaps I should see the whole movie and have a more qualified view. Today was quicker, so my hands didn't freeze too much. Thankfully, we also could adjust the headrest so that I didn't feel like I was supporting my neck the whole time. When the linac was aimed at my left side, there was a beautiful silhouette of my new boob on the screen to my right. I so want a photograph of it...there is something so serene about it with the green beam shining through it....I might pluck up the courage to ask one of the radiographers...perhaps on a Friday! : ) My body didn't feel so electric today. I know it's probably all in my imagination, though the lead bar above my head is certainly not in my imagination...I really do not want that falling on me!!! 

This afternoon I felt exhausted beyond belief. So it was definitely time for a long nap....

Photo no.635 - blue sky, nap time!

We decided that tonight should be a takeaway night...thank goodness we did as I was one super tired duracell batteries needed a recharge! I feel like Indian tonight!

Photo no.636 - the mighty onion bhaji!

Saturday 4th October 

Song of the day (LH): You'll never find another love like mine - Lou Rawls
Song of the day (VW): Radioactive - Marina and the Diamonds

Good sleep. Check. Clear mind. Check. Ok we're good to go! Today was a great day. In fact the best I've felt in a very long time truth be told. 

First stop...Sola Kitchens in Fulham. As a bit of a project, we've decided to look at changing our kitchen....DW found this company in the Swedish church magazine and so far it's been a great experience. If you're looking to update your kitchen, I'd really recommend going here. The only thing I don't know yet is the we'll see!

Next stop was lunch with the ever delightful Verity Parker. We've met, 12 years ago (argh!!) when Verity was a Christmas temp at John Lewis Oxford Street and I was a buying assistant helping out for the day. A few months later Verity started in a buying team and from then on we had many, many lunches together! We need to meet up more VP! If anything so I can get much needed fashion advice from you!xxx

Time for a rest at home before the much awaited pizza night with the Regans. Despite early blog posts, my pizza consumption has significantly we all decided it was about time to bake some pizzas and rectify this! As always the pizzas were fantastic and there was lots of love and laughter.

Overall...a very good day!xxx

Sunday 5th October

Song of the day (LH): Boy you knock me out - Tatyana Ali
Song of the day (VW): You are the best thing - Ray LaMontagne

Happy birthday Ces!!!

Clear mind. Check. Less tired. Check. Ok, this seems to be a good sign.

After a lazy morning, we met my brother and Natalie at The Pineapple in Dorney for lunch. If you love a doorstep sandwich, this is the place to come. They specialise in sandwiches and the menu is's excellent value and a great find for lunch! Thanks for suggesting it Natalie, lets do it again

No Sunday would be complete without a walk....the weather was spectacular today. A perfect autumnal Sunday, so here are some pics from our walks...we ended up in 2 locations!

Photo no.637 - autumn in England...Jubilee river walk

Photo no.638 - riverside renovations...a old building by the Thames being rejuvenated.

Photo no.639 - autumnal colours

Photo no.640 - Canada geese out for their Sunday swim!

Photo no.641 - the wrapped up walkers!

Photo no.642 - criss-cross jet lines

Photo no.643 - river reflection on the Thames

Chutney time! I had harvested my crop of pears, all 2 of them, so wanted to transform them into a delicious chutney! Able & Cole had sent a recipe for Apple & Pear chutney with cider, so I thought I'd give it a go!

 Photo no.644 - a nice pear!

Photo no.645 - definitely good to use!

Photo no.646 - glass jar sterilisation...check!

Photo no.647 - the result...6 small jars of chutney!

Not a bad result! On the recipe it didn't mention leaving the chutney to mature but I think I'll give it a little time for a the flavours to infuse. I'll let you know the verdict soon!

Chutney making had crossed over into Sunday night dinner prep time. Still tonight's dinner was a Ching classic, so it would be speedy....or not! Earlier that day Waitrose had had some good looking halibut on offer so I decided to go for that over cod that the recipe recommended. To avoid the kitchen smelling of fish for the next week, I seared the fish on the hob and the put the pan into the oven for 10 minutes to finish it. This is nearly always my fail proof way of cooking fish well. However, the key thing to remember is that the pan handle will be hot...I remembered this on taking the pan out of the oven, serving the fish, telling DW not to touch the pan handle and then having served the stir fry I went to move the pan...f@%k!!! That is hot! Yep, I essentially went to lift the pan handle. Thankfully it was so hot that I must have only touched it for seconds so there were only a couple of touch points but my god that hurt.....cold water tap......then cold water press while eating...then bowl of cold water whilst watching tv. So not really the most relaxing Sunday night dinner it has to be said...note to self, chutney making is not a Sunday evening activity. Luckily I got away with a small blister on my little finger. DW had advised me to butter on it...this did not seem a good idea a surely it would be frying my skin....after consulting NHS online, this definitely was not advised but I did take their advice of wrapping my finger in cling film and this seemed to do the trick, as the next morning it was feeling a million times better! Anthony Bourdain would have been proud as no real chef is complete without blisters and callouses from such activities!

Photo no.648 - Chilli bean halibut with exotic mushrooms & spring cabbage stir fry

Burn aside, this has been a pretty good week. So here's to the radiotherapy sessions week 2 and nearly being at the end of this treatment treadmill! xxx